Qns: How long can a friendship lasts?

Ans: A friendship can last as long as the effort lasts.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Dinner laterzzz at PS Orchard

Theres a diff Yewkay.

Pinky and the Brain,
Cel and Lyn (means I am Pinky)

Pinky and the Brain,
Lyn and Cel (means I am the Brain leh) hahaha.


Reason for tonight's dinner:
1. Dinner with Deyi for his birthday later. (His actual birthday is on 30 Aug) at Ajisen Restaurant.
2. Amy who passed her ACCA!!!
3. Lyn who cleared her ACCA Paper3.3 on first attempt!

Many thanks to:
Lyn, has also help to reserve the seatings in the restaurant.
Yewkay, the photographer supposingly.
Ade, will help us to get a bday cake.
CL, will bring the present we bought for him. (D, L bought this present for you ages ago...good foresight because he knew he will be away from Sin.)

More updates later for the people who cant make it there:
L, away from home, in Phil
Ian, away in Malaysia, cannot make it back in time to join us
Song, away from home, in taiwan
Sean, need to piah his assignment! Speaking of that...I totally understand the misery of sacrificing playtime to study!


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